The Euchologion, or Trébnyk

The Euchologion (Gk., "prayer book";  Slav. Trebnyk, "book of needs") contains the rituals for the Holy Mysteries and occasional services celebrated in parish churches, and those blessings given by a priest.  (The services and blessings reserved to the bishop are found in the Archieratikon.)

At one time, the term "Euchologion" referred to the Great Euchologion (Gk. Euchológion to méga;  Slav. Bolshói Ieréiskiy Molitvoslóv , "Large priestly prayer-book") - a single book that contained all the priest's prayers for the Divine Liturgies, the hours of prayer, and the sacraments and other services.  Eventually this book was split in two, to form the Liturgikon, containing the Divine Liturgies and the daily prayer services, and the Small Euchologion, or simply Euchologion, containing the other Mysteries and blessings.

The Euchologion in Church Slavonic

In 1926, the Basilian Fathers published a Trebnyk at Zhovkva, near L'vov.  This euchologion contained an extensive set of services and blessings, along with prefaces similar to those in the Ritual Romanum of the Latin-Rite Catholic Church which explained sacramental theology

As part of the Ruthenian reform of the 1940's, a Malyj Trebnyk (Small Trebnyk) was printed for the Ruthenian Recension in 1952.  This volume is printed occasionally by the Vatican Polyglot Press, and is also available in a 2-volume reprint from Eastern Christian Publications. This book contains:

Prayers over a mother after childbirth
Prayers for the naming of a child
Prayers for a mother on the 40th day after childbirth
Prayer for a woman whose child has died

Reception of a catechumen
The Order of Holy Baptism
The Order of Holy Chrismation
Baptism in an emergency

The Order of Penance (confession of sins)
The lifting of a penance or excommunication

The Order of Crowning (marriage)
The Order for a Second Marriage

The Order of Anointong of the Sick
The Order of Holy Communion to the Sick

Funeral of an Adult
Funeral for a Secular Priest
Funeral for a Child
The Great Panachida or Parastas

The Lesser Blessing of Water
The Blessing of Water for Various Needs
The Great Blessing of Water at Theophany

Kneeling Prayers on Pentecost
Blessing of foods at Pascha
Blessing of first fruits
Blessing of herbs and flowers
Blessing for any need
Blessing for a journey
Blessing of any object

The Common Moleben for Any Need
Rite of Holy Communion outside of the Divine Liturgy

Some blessings are noticeably missing, such as the blessing of articles for liturgical worship, the blessing of icons, and various household blessings. These are found in larger collections such as the Zhovkva Trebnyk mentioned above.

The Euchologion in English

For many years, the standard Greek Catholic Euchologion in English has been the small volume Euchologion (Trebnyk): A Byzantine Ritual,  compiled by Father Demetrius Wysochansky, OSBM, and published in Hamtramck, Michigan (not dated; second revised edition, 1986).  

In addition, books or booklets for the various Mysteries have been prepared for use in the Byzantine Catholic Church.  Consult the pages on the individual rituals and occasional services for descriptions.,