Recorded Music
Liturgical chant is, above all, sung chant - and sung chant is best learned by hearing. We hope that the following recordings may provide both instruction and edification. Note that not all use the current English translations and music, and some of the Church Slavonic settings follow the Papp Irmologion rather than the Bokšai Prostopinije.English
The Divine Liturgies
These recordings were prepared to accompany The Divine Liturgies of our Holy Fathers John Chrysostom and Basil the Great.
- The Divine Liturgy of our Holy Father John Chrysostom - music in the Divine Liturgies, pp. 11-94
- Opening blessing
- Litany of Peace
- Litany of Peace - additional petitions for the departed
- First Antiphon or typical psalm
- First Antiphon - Sunday
- First Antiphon - weekday
- First Typical Psalm - simple
- First Typical Psalm - solemn
- Second Antiphon or typical psalm
- Second Antiphon - Sunday
- Second Antiphon - weekday
- Second Typical Psalm - simple
- Second Typical Psalm - solemn
- Hymn of the Incarnation ("O Only-begotten Son") - Galician melody
- Hymn of the Incarnation ("O Only-begotten Son") - Tone 7 samohlasen
- Hymn of the Incarnation ("O Only-begotten Son") - minor mode
- Third Antiphon or the Beatitudes
- Third Antiphon - Sunday
- Third Antiphon - weekday
- The Beatitudes
- Entrance Hymn
- Entrance Hymn - Sunday - melody A
- Entrance Hymn - Sunday - melody B
- Entrance Hymn - weekday - melody A
- Entrance Hymn - weekday - melody B
- Introduction to the Thrice-Holy Hymn
- Thrice-Holy Hymn, or Trisagion ("Holy God, holy and mighty")
- Thrice-Holy Hymn A
- Thrice-Holy Hymn B
- Thrice-Holy Hymn C
- Thrice-Holy Hymn D
- Thrice-Holy Hymn E
- Thrice-Holy Hymn F (for the departed)
- "All you who have been baptized" - melody A (Rusyn)
- "All you who have been baptized" - melody B (Galician)
- "We bow to your Cross" - melody A (Rusyn)
- "We bow to your Cross" - melody B (Galician)
- Responses before and after the Gospel
- Litany of Fervent Supplication
- Litany for the Departed - response melody A
- Litany for the Departed - response melody B
- Litany for the Catechumens and Litany for the Faithful
- The Cherubikon (Cherubic Hymn)
- Cherubic Hymn A
- Cherubic Hymn B
- Cherubic Hymn C
- Cherubic Hymn D
- Cherubic Hymn E
- Cherubic Hymn F
- Cherubic Hymn G (for the departed)
- Litany over the Gifts
- Introduction to the Symbol of Faith (Creed)
- Symbol of Faith A
- Symbol of Faith B
- Opening responses at the Anaphora
- Holy, Holy, Holy A
- Holy, Holy, Holy B
- Holy, Holy, Holy C
- Responses at the Words of Institution
- Anamnesis Acclamation ("We praise you, we bless you")
- Anamnesis Acclamation A
- Anamnesis Acclamation B
- Anamnesis Acclamation C
- Anamnesis Acclamation D
- Anamnesis Acclamation E
- Anamnesis Acclamation F
- Anamnesis Acclamation G (for the departed)
- Anamnesis Acclamation H (For use with any Cherubikon melody)
- Hymn to the Theotokos ("It is truly proper")
- Concluding responses at the Anaphora
- Litany of Preparation for Communion
- The Lord's Prayer ("Our Father")
- The Lord's Prayer - Tone 1 samohlasen
- The Lord's Prayer - Tone 2 samohlasen
- The Lord's Prayer - Tone 3 samohlasen
- The Lord's Prayer - Tone 4 samohlasen
- The Lord's Prayer - Tone 5 samohlasen
- The Lord's Prayer - Tone 6 samohlasen
- The Lord's Prayer - Tone 7 samohlasen
- The Lord's Prayer - Tone 8 samohlasen
- The Lord's Prayer - Tone 4 podoben "Udivisja Josif"
- The Lord's Prayer - recitando
- Responses after the Lord's Prayer
- "One is holy"
- Communion Hymn
- Communion Hymn for Sunday - Cherubikon melody A
- Communion Hymn for Sunday - Cherubikon melody B
- Communion Hymn for Sunday - Cherubikon melody C
- Communion Hymn for Sunday - Cherubikon melody D
- Communion Hymn for Sunday - Cherubikon melody E
- Communion Hymn for Sunday - Cherubikon melody F
- Invitation to Communion
- "We have seen the true light" - melody A
- "We have seen the true light" - melody B
- "Blessed is our God"
- "May our mouth be filled" - melody A
- "May our mouth be filled" - melody B
- "May our mouth be filled" - melody C
- Responses at the Litany of Thanksgiving
- "Blessed be the name of the Lord"
- "Blessed be the name of the Lord" - melody A
- "Blessed be the name of the Lord" - melody B
- "Blessed be the name of the Lord" - melody C
- "Blessed be the name of the Lord" - melody D
- Dismissal
- Intonation for the Living ("Many Years")
- Intonation for the Living - melody A
- Intonation for the Living - melody B
- Intonation for the Living - melody C
- Intonation for the Departed ("Eternal Memory")
- Intonation for the Departed - melody A
- Intonation
for the Departed -
melody B
- The Divine Liturgy of our Holy Father Basil the Great - music in the Divine Liturgies, pp. 97-103
- Setting A (Mukačevo melodies)
- "It is proper and just"
- "Holy, holy, holy"
- Responses at the Institution 1
- Responses at the Institution 2
- Anamnesis Acclamation - "We praise you"
- Hymn to the Theotokos - "In you, O woman full of grace"
- Setting B (Prešov melodies)
- "It is proper and just"
- "Holy, holy, holy"
- Responses at the Institution 1
- Responses at the Institution 2
- Anamnesis Acclamation - "We praise you"
- Hymn
to the Theotokos - "In you, O
woman full of grace"
- The Vigil Divine Liturgy - music in the Divine Liturgies, pp. 104-122
- Introduction
- Psalm 103 - setting A (chanted)
- Psalm 103 - setting B (festal melody)
- Hymn of the Evening - "O Joyful Light"
- Evening Prokeimenon
- Saturday evening
- Sunday evening
- Monday evening
- Tuesday evening
- Wednesday evening
- Thursday evening
- Friday evening
- Small
- The Eight Tones for Sunday - music in the Divine Liturgies, pp. 123-163
- Sunday Tone 1
- Sunday Tone 2
- Sunday Tone 3
- Sunday Tone 4
- Sunday Tone 5
- Sunday Tone 6
- Sunday Tone 7
- Sunday Tone 8
- Moveable Feasts - from Pascha through Palm Sunday - music in the Divine Liturgies, pp. 164-241
- Pascha
- Troparion - Third Antiphon - Entrance Hymn - Kontakion - Prokeimenon - Alleluia
- Magnification - Irmos
- The Lord's Prayer (melody from the Paschal Canon)
- Communion Hymn - Cherubikon melody A
- Communion Hymn - Cherubikon melody B
- Communion Hymn - Cherubikon melody C
- Communion Hymn - Cherubikon melody D
- Dismissal - "Christ is risen"
- "Christ is risen" - alternate melody A
- "Christ is risen" - alternate melody B
- Bright Monday
- Bright Tuesday
- Bright Wednesday
- Bright Thursday
- Bright Friday - same as Bright Monday
- Bright Saturday
- Thomas Sunday
- Sunday of the Myrrh-bearers
- Sunday of the Paralytic
- Mid-Pentecost Wednesday
- Troparion - Kontakion - Prokeimenon - Alleluia - Irmos - Communion Hymn
- Sunday of the Samaritan Woman
- Sunday of the Man Born Blind
- Ascension
- First Antiphon - Second Antiphon
- Third Antiphon - Post-festive Third Antiphon
- Entrance Hymn- Post-festive Entrance Hymn
- Troparion - Kontakion - Prokeimenon - Alleluia
- Magnification - Irmos (simple setting) - Irmos
- Communion Hymn
- Sunday of the Fathers of the First Nicene Council
- Pentecost
- First Antiphon - Second Antiphon - Third Antiphon - Entrance Hymn
- Troparion - Kontakion - Prokeimenon - Alleluia
- Magnification - Irmos (simple setting) - Irmos
- Communion Hymn
- Pentecost Monday
- Magnification - Irmos (simple setting) - Irmos
- Sunday of All Saints
- (Sundays after Pentecost - see the Sunday Eight Tones)
- Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee
- Sunday of the Prodigal Son
- Sunday of Meat-fare
- Sunday of Cheese-fare
- First Sunday of the Great Fast
- Second Sunday of the Great Fast
- Third Sunday of the Great Fast
- Fourth Sunday of the Great Fast
- Akathistos Saturday
- Fifth Sunday of the Great Fast
- Lazarus Saturday
- Palm Sunday
- First Antiphon - Second Antiphon - Third Antiphon - Entrance Hymn
- Troparion - Kontakion - Prokeimenon - Alleluia
- Magnification - Irmos (simple setting) - Irmos
- Communion Hymn
- Immoveable Feasts - from September 1 through August 31 - music in the Divine Liturgies, pp. 242-357
- Nativity of the Theotokos (September 8)
- Troparion - Kontakion - Prokeimenon - Alleluia - Magnification - Irmos (simple setting) - Irmos - Communion Hymn
- Exaltation of the Holy Cross (September 14)
- First Antiphon - Second Antiphon - Third Antiphon
- Troparion - Kontakion - Prokeimenon - Alleluia - Magnification - Irmos (simple setting) - Irmos
- Protection of the Theotokos (October 1)
- Sunday of the Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council (Sunday between October 11 and 17)
- Synaxis of the Holy Archangel Michael (November 8)
- Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple (November 21)
- Troparion - Kontakion - Prokeimenon - Alleluia - Magnification - Irmos (simple setting) - Irmos - Communion Hymn
- Our Holy Father Nicholas ( December 6)
- Maternity of Holy Anna (December 8)
- Troparion - Kontakion - Prokeimenon - Alleluia - Magnification - Irmos (simple setting) - Irmos - Communion Hymn
- Second Sunday before the Nativity
- Sunday before the Nativity
- Nativity of Our Lord (December 25)
- First Antiphon - Second Antiphon - Third Antiphon - Entrance Hymn
- Troparion - Kontakion - Prokeimenon - Alleluia
- Cherubikon - Anamnesis Acclamation - Magnification - Irmos - Communion Hymn
- Synaxis of the Theotokos (December 26)
- Kontakion - Prokeimenon - Alleluia - Magnification - Irmos (simple setting) - Irmos
- Sunday after the Nativity
- Circumcision of Our Lord, and the Feast of our Holy Father Basil the Great (January 1)
- Troparion of the Circumcision - Troparion of Basil - Kontakion of Basil - Kontakion of the Circumcision
- Prokeimenon (Basil) - Alleluia - Communion Hymn (Basil)
- Theophany of Our Lord (January 6)
- First Antiphon - Second Antiphon - Third Antiphon - Entrance Hymn
- Troparion - Kontakion - Alleluia - Magnification - Irmos - Communion Hymn
- Meeting of Our Lord with Simeon and Anna (February 2)
- Entrance Hymn - Troparion - Kontakion - Prokeimenon - Alleluia
- Magnification - Irmos (simple setting) - Irmos - Communion Hymn
- Annunciation of the Theotokos (March 25)
- Stichera at Vespers: First Sticheron - Second Sticheron - Third Sticheron - Theotokion
- Entrance Hymn - Troparion - Kontakion - Prokeimenon - Alleluia
- Magnification - Irmos (simple setting) - Irmos - Communion Hymn
- Nativity of John the Forerunner (June 24)
- Troparion - Kontakion - Prokeimenon - Alleluia - Magnification - Irmos (simple setting) - Irmos - Communion Hymn
- The Holy Apostles Peter and Paul (June 29)
- Troparion - Kontakion - Prokeimenon - Alleluia - Magnification - Irmos (simple setting) - Irmos - Communion Hymn
- Transfiguration of Our Lord (August 6)
- Second Antiphon - Third Antiphon - Entrance Hymn
- Troparion - Kontakion - Prokeimenon - Alleluia
- Magnification - Irmos (simple setting) - Irmos - Communion Hymn
- Dormition of the Theotokos (August 15)
- Troparion - Kontakion - Prokeimenon - Alleluia- Magnification - Irmos (simple setting) - Irmos - Communion Hymn
- Beheading of John the Forerunner (August 29)
- Panachida - Memorial Service for the Departed - music in the Divine Liturgies, pp. 432-440
- General Moleben for the Living - music in the Divine Liturgies, pp. 441-449
- Additional Hymns - music in the Divine Liturgies, pp. 450-461
- "Make us worthy, O Lord"
- Prayer of Holy Simeon the God-bearer
- "Rejoice, O Virgin Theotokos"
- "Beneath your compassion" - melody A
- "Beneath your compassion" - melody B
- "Praise the name of the Lord" (Polyeleos)
- "Accept me today as a partaker"
- "Glory to God in the highest" (Great Doxology)
- "A new commandment"
The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts
These tutorial recordings are based on The Divine Liturgy of the Presanctiied Gifts (2010). You can also download the entire set of recordings as a zip file.
- Opening blessing
- Litany of Peace
- Hymn of the Evening
- Solemn evening Psalm
- Gospel responses
- Litany of Fervent Supplication
- Great Entrance - A version - B version
- Angel of Peace Litany
- Our Father (Lenten tone)
- Prayer after the Our Father
- Invitation to Holy Communion
- Communion Hymn - A version - B version
- Come to receive - A version - B version
- Thanksgiving after Communion - A version - B version
- Prayers and dismissal
- Propers for each day
- Monday in the first week - stichera - prokeimena
- Wednesday in the first week - stichera - prokeimena
- Friday in the first week - stichera - prokeimena
- Wednesday in the second week - stichera - prokeimena
- Friday in the second week - stichera - prokeimena
- Wednesday in the third week - stichera - prokeimena
- Friday in the third week - stichera - prokeimena
- Wednesday in the fourth week - stichera - prokeimena
- Friday in the fourth week - stichera - prokeimena
- Wednesday in the fifth week - stichera - prokeimena
- Thursday in the fifth week - stichera - prokeimena
- Friday in the fifth week - stichera - prokeimena
- Wednesday in the sixth week - stichera - prokeimena
- Friday in the sixth week - stichera - prokeimena
- Great and Holy Monday week - stichera - prokeimena
- Great and Holy Tuesday - stichera - prokeimena
- Great and Holy Wednesday - stichera - prokeimena
- Friday propers in the eight tones
- Friday in Tone 1 - stichera - dogmatikon
- Friday in Tone 2 - stichera - dogmatikon
- Friday in Tone 3 - stichera - dogmatikon
- Friday in Tone 4 - stichera - dogmatikon
- Friday in Tone 5 - stichera - dogmatikon
- Friday in Tone 6 - stichera - dogmatikon
- Friday in Tone 7 - stichera - dogmatikon
- Friday in Tone 8 - stichera - dogmatikon
Sunday Vespers and Matins
- Vespers - music in the Order of Vespers for Sundays after Pentecost (PDF)
- Beginning Prayers
- Psalm 103 - setting A (chanted)
- Psalm 103 - setting B (festal melody)
- Litany of Peace
- First Kathisma - "Blessed is the man"
- Lamplighting Psalms
- Tone 1: "O Lord, I have cried" - resurrectional stichera - dogmatikon
- Tone 2: "O Lord, I have cried" - resurrectional stichera - dogmatikon
- Tone 3: "O Lord, I have cried" - resurrectional stichera - dogmatikon
- Tone 4: "O Lord, I have cried" - resurrectional stichera - dogmatikon
- Tone 5: "O Lord, I have cried" - resurrectional stichera - dogmatikon
- Tone 6: "O Lord, I have cried" - resurrectional stichera - dogmatikon
- Tone 7: "O Lord, I have cried" - resurrectional stichera - dogmatikon Tone 8: "O Lord, I have cried" - resurrectional stichera - dogmatikon
- Hymn of the Evening - "O Joyful Light"
- Evening Prokeimenon
- Litany of Fervent Supplication
- Hymn of Glorification
- Litany of Supplication
- Litany of the Litija
- Canticle of Simeon
- Trisagion prayers
- Blessing of bread; dismissal
- Matins - music
the Order
of Matins: Sundays and
Feasts (PDF)
For an ordinary Sunday after Pentecost in Tone 4. - Introduction
- Litany of Peace
- The Lord is God (Tone 4)
- Sessional Hymn 1 (Tone 4)
- Polyeleos
- Psalm 118; "Hosts of Angels"
- Gradual (festal gradual in Tone 4)
- Resurrection Gospel
- "Having beheld the Resurrection"
- Psalm 50
- Canon of the Resurrection (irmos and 3 troparia), with Katavasia of the Theotokos in Tone 4
- Psalms of Praise
- Great Doxology
- Troparion
- Conclusion
- Sunday in Tone 1
- Sunday in Tone 2
- Sunday in Tone 3
- Sunday in Tone 4
- Sunday in Tone 5
- Sunday in Tone 6
- Sunday in Tone 7
- Sunday in Tone 8
Feast-day Services
- Great Vespers and Matins for the Feast of the Annuncation
- Matins
- Great Vespers for Blessed Theodore Romzha, Bishop of Mukachevo - music (PDF)
- Hymn to Blessed Theodore
- Beginning Prayers
- Psalm 103
- Litany of Peace
- First Kathisma
- Lamp-lighting Psalms, Tone 4
- Stichera of Blessed Theodore, Jako doblja
- Doxastikon and Theotokion, Tone 6
- Hymn of the Evening
- Prokeimenon of Tuesday
- Litany of Fervent Supplication
- Hymn of Glorification
- Litany of Supplication
- Litija Stichera. Tones 4 and 7
- Litany of Litija
- Aposticha of Blessed Theodore, Tones 8 and 5
- Prayer of the Holy Prophet Simeon
- Trisagion Prayers; Troparia in Tone 4
- Blessing of Bread; Psalms 33; Dismissal
- Great Vespers For our Holy Father Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra - music (PDF)
- Introduction, Beginning prayers, and Psalm 103
- Litany of Peace
- The First Kathisma ("Blessed is the man")
- Psalm 140 ("O Lord, I have cried")
- Stichera at the Lamplighting Psalms - part 1
- Stichera at the Lamplighting Psalms - part 2
- Stichera at the Lamp-lighting Psalms - part 3
- Festive entrance ("O Joyful light")
- Litanies
- Hymns of the Litija
- Aposticha
- Prayer of Simeon ("Now you may dismiss your servant, O Lord")
- Troparia, and Blessing of bread
- Dismissal
Matins with the Great Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete
This service of repentance is celebrated on Wednesday night or Thursday morning in the fifth week of the Great Fast; it is sometimes called Poklony because of the prostrations (poklony) made after each troparion of the canon. This canon is one of the masterpieces of Byzantine hymnography, and celebrates examples of repentance and conversion from both the Old and New Testaments. The recordings was made by the Schola Cantorum of St. Peters in the Loop in Chicago, under the direction of J. Michael Thompson. Sheet music can be found here.- Call to Worship
- Psalm 3
- Litany
of Peace
Alleluia with troparia - Hymns to the Trinity
- Great Canon, Ode 1
- Great Canon, Ode 2
- Great
Canon, Ode 3
Sessional Hymns - Great Canon, Ode 4
- Great Canon, Ode 5
- Great
Canon, Ode 6
Kontakion and Ikos
Beatitudes - Great Canon, Ode 7
- Great
Canon, Ode 8
Canticle of the Theotokos - Great
Canon, Ode 9
Hymn of Light
Resurrection Matins
This recording of Paschal Matins in prostopinije was underwritten by Saint Andrew Byzantine Catholic Church, Mentor-on-the-Lake, Ohio, and its pastor, Father Bryan Eyman, and recorded by the Schola Cantorum of St. Peters in the Loop at Saint Volodymyr and Olha Ukrainian Catholic Church in Chicago. The harmonizations are the property of the Metropolitan Cantor Institute; contact Professor Thompson for more information.- Troparion, Tone 2
- Sticheron, Tone 6
- Invocation and troparion with verses, Tone 5 ("Christos voskrese")
- Litany of Peace
- Resurrection Canon, Ode 1
- Resurrection Canon, Ode 3
- Hypakoje (Tone 4 samopodoben, "Predvarivsija")
- Resurrection Canon, Ode 4
- Resurrection Canon, Ode 5
- Resurrection Canon, Ode 6
- Kontakion and Oikos, Tone 8
- Sticheron, Tone 6
- Resurrection Canon, Ode 7
- Resurrection Canon, Ode 8
- Resurrection Canon, Ode 9
- Exapostilarion (Samopodoben, "Plotiju")
- The Praises, Tone 1
- The Paschal Stichera
- Litany of Supplication
- Litany of Fervent Supplication
- Paschal Dismissal
The Paraklesis
The "Service of the Supplicatory Canon to the Mother of God", also called the Paraklesis (several spellings) or "Office of Consolation", is one of our foundational prayer services. It can be celebrated for any need, in church or at home. This recording of the Paraklsis was recorded by the Schola Cantorum of Saint Peter, from Chicago, under the direction of James Michael Thompson.- Beginning prayers
The Lord is God
Psalm 50
Canon of Supplication, Ode 1
Canon of Supplication, Ode 3
Troparia, Tone 2
Litany of Supplication - Troparia, Tone 2
Canon of Supplication, Ode 4
Canon of Supplication, Ode 5
Canon of Supplication, Ode 6
Troparia, Tone 2
Little Litany
Kontakion, Tone 6
Prokeimenon, Tone 4
Gospel (continued)
Stichera, Tone 6
Canon of Supplication, Ode 7
Canon of Supplication, Ode 8
Canon of Supplication, Ode 9
It is truly proper
Stichera, Tone 2, special melody "Jehda ot dreva"
Trisagon prayers
Penitential troparia, Tone 6
Litany of Supplication
Pobodny (special melodies)
- Tone 1 podoben, Nebesnych činov
- Tone 1 podoben, Prechvalnyj mučenicy
- Tone 2 podoben, Blahoobraznyj Josif
- Tone 2 podoben, Dome Ephratov
- Tone 2 podoben, Jehda ot dreva
- Tone 3 podoben, Christos ot Mertvych-
- Tone 3 podoben, Krasoti
- Tone 4 podoben, Dal jesi znamennie
- Tone 4 podoben, Jako doblja
- Tone 4 podoben, Udivisja Josif
- Tone 4 podoben, Zvannyj svyše byv
- Tone 5 podoben, Radujsja
Church Slavonic
The following selections are from Carpatho-Ruthenian Plain Chant. Note that the Slavonic terminology (tropar, kondak, etc.) is used here as an aid to finding melodies in the Papp Irmologion.- Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom:
- Solemn welcome of a hierarch - Vosel Jesi - [here]
- First typical psalm (Blahoslovi, duse moja) – [solemn]
- First typical psalm (Blahoslovi, duse moja) – [simple]
- First typical psalm (Blahoslovi, duse moja) – [another]
- Second antiphon - O Only-begotten Son (Jedinorodnyj) – [solemn]
- Second antiphon - O Only-begotten Son (Jedinorodnyj) – [simple]
- Second antiphon - O Only-begotten Son (Jedinorodnyj) – [another]
- Entrance hymn - Come, let us worship (Prijdite) – [number 1]
- Entrance hymn - Come, let us worship (Prijdite) – [number 3]
- Trisagion - Holy God (Svyatyj Boze) – [number 1]
- Trisagion - Holy God (Svyatyj Boze) – [number 2]
- Trisagion - Holy God (Svyatyj Boze) – [number 3]
- Trisagion - Holy God (Svyatyj Boze) – [number 4]
- Trisagion - Holy God (Svyatyj Boze) – [number 5]
- All you who have been baptized (Jelicy vo Christa) - [here]
- We bow to Your cross (Krestu Tvojemu) - [here]
- Cherubic Hymn (Ize Cheruvimi) – [number 1]
- Cherubic Hymn (Ize Cheruvimi) – [number 2]
- Cherubic Hymn (Ize Cheruvimi) – [number 3]
- Cherubic Hymn (Ize Cheruvimi) – [number 4]
- Cherubic Hymn (Ize Cheruvimi) – [number 5]
- Cherubic Hymn (Ize Cheruvimi) – [number 6]
- Cherubic Hymn (Ize Cheruvimi) – [number 7]
- Cherubic Hymn (Ize Cheruvimi) – [number 8]
- Cherubic Hymn (Ize Cheruvimi) – [number 9]
- Cherubic Hymn (Ize Cheruvimi) – [number 10]
- Cherubic Hymn (Ize Cheruvimi) – [number 11]
- Cherubic Hymn (Ize Cheruvimi) – [number 12]
- Cherubic Hymn (Ize Cheruvimi) – [number 13]
- Cherubic Hymn (Ize Cheruvimi) – [number 14]
- Cherubic Hymn (Ize Cheruvimi) – [number 15]
- Cherubic Hymn (Ize Cheruvimi) – [number 16]
- Cherubic Hymn (Ize Cheruvimi) – [number 17]
- Cherubic Hymn (Ize Cheruvimi) – [number 18]
- Cherubic Hymn (Ize Cheruvimi) – [number 19]
- Cherubic Hymn (Ize Cheruvimi) – [number 20]
- Cherubic Hymn (Ize Cheruvimi) – [number 21]
- Cherubic Hymn (Ize Cheruvimi) – [number 22]
- Cherubic Hymn (Ize Cheruvimi) – [number 23]
- Cherubic Hymn (Ize Cheruvimi) – [number 25]
- Cherubic Hymn (Ize Cheruvimi) – [number 26]
- Nicene Creed (Viruju) - [here]
- It is proper and just (Dostojno I pravedno) – [number 1]
- It is proper and just (Dostojno I pravedno) – [number 2]
- Holy, holy, holy (Svjat, Svjat, Svjat) – [number 1]
- Holy, holy, holy (Svjat, Svjat, Svjat) – [number 2]
- Holy, holy, holy (Svjat, Svjat, Svjat) – [number 3]
- We praise you, we bless you (Tebe pojem) – [number 1]
- We praise you, we bless you (Tebe pojem) – [number 2]
- We praise you, we bless you (Tebe pojem) – [number 3]
- Our Father (Otce Nas) – [number 2]
- Our Father (Otce Nas) – [tone 4 bolhar]
- One is Holy (Jedin Svjat) – [here]
- We have seen the true Light (Vidichom Svit) – [here]
- We have seen the true Light (Vidichom Svit) – [tone 2 bolhar]
- May our lips be filled (Da ispolnatsja) – [number 1]
- May our lips be filled (Da ispolnatsja) – [number 2]
- May our lips be filled (Da ispolnatsja) – [number 3] (funeral)
- Blessed be the name (Budi imja Hospodne) – [number 1]
- Blessed be the name (Budi imja Hospodne) – [number 2]
- Blessed be the name (Budi imja Hospodne) – [number 3]
- Blessed be the name (Budi imja Hospodne) – [number 5] (funeral)
- Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great:
- First setting:
- It is proper and just (Dostojno I pravedno) - [here]
- Holy, holy, holy (Svjat, Svjat, Svjat) - [here]
- Amin - [number 1]
- We praise you, we bless you (Tebe pojem) - [here]
- In you, O full of grace (O Tebi radujetsja) - [here]
- Second setting:
- Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts
- Ektenija response - [here]
- Let my prayer ascend (Da ispravitsja) - [here]
- Now the powers (Nyni sily) - [here]
- Our Father (Otce Nas) - [Lenten melody]
- O taste and see (Vsjusite I vidite) - [here]
- I will bless the Lord forever (Blahoslovju) - [here]
- We give you thanks (Blahodarim Ta) - [here]
- Dismissal responses - [here]
- Vespers
- Psalm 103 (Blahoslovi, duse moja) - [here]
- Blessed is the man (Blazen muz) - [here]
- O Joyful Light (Svite Tichij) - [here]
- Prokeimenon of the Great Fast 1 (Ne otvrati) - [here]
- Prokeimenon of the Great Fast 2 (Dal jesi dostojanije) - [here]
- Canticle of Simeon (Nyni otpuscajesi) - [here]
- Matins
- Polijelej (Chvalite imja Hospodne) - [here]
- Great Doxology, or Velicanije Praznika (Velicajem Ta) - [here]
- Bolharskij pripiv (Prijdite I my jako otrocy) - [here]
- Choirs of Angels, or Anhelskij Sobor (refrain and first tropar only) - [here]
- Stepenna in Tone 4, “From my youth” (Ot junosti moje) - [here]
- Canticle of the Theotokos, or Velicanije Presv. Bohorodicy - [here]
- Festal Magnification at Matins, in place of the above - [here]
- Book of the Eight Tones (Octoechos)
- Tone 1
- Tropar - [here]
- Kondak - (same as tropar)
- Prokimen at Matins - [here]
- Resurrectional Canon - [irmosy]
- Prokimen at the Liturgy - [here]
- Samohlasen tone - [stich] - [stichera]
- Podoben: Nebesnych Cinov Radovanije - [stichera]
- Podoben: Prechvalniji Mucenicy - [stichera]
- Podoben: O Divnoje Cudo - [stichera] (skip at end)
- Bolhar tone - [stichera]
- Tone 2
- Tropar - [here]
- Kondak - (same as tropar)
- Prokimen at Matins - [here]
- Resurrectional Canon - [irmosy]
- Prokimen at the Liturgy - [here]
- Samohlasen tone - [stich] - [stichera]
- Podoben: Jehda ot Dreva - [stichera]
- Podoben: Dome Evfratov - [stichera]
- Bolhar tone - [stichera]
- Tone 3
- Tropar - [here]
- Kondak - [here]
- Prokimen at Matins - [here]
- Resurrectional Canon - [irmosy]
- Prokimen at the Liturgy - [here]
- Samohlasen tone - [stich] - [stichera]
- Podoben: Krasoti
- [stich]
- [stichera]
- Tone 4
- Tropar - [here]
- Kondak - [here]
- Prokimen at Matins - [here]
- Resurrectional Canon - [irmosy]
- Prokimen at the Liturgy - [here]
- Samohlasen tone - (stich melody missing) - [stichera]
- Podoben: Jako Dobla - [stichera]
- Podoben: Dal Jesi Znamenije - [stichera]
- Podoben: Zvanny Svyse Byv - [stichera]
- Podoben: Udivisja Josif - [stichera]
- Bolhar tone - [stichera]
- Tone 5
- Tropar - [here]
- Kondak - (same as tropar)
- Prokimen at Matins - [here]
- Resurrectional Canon - [irmosy]
- Prokimen at the Liturgy - [here]
- Samohlasen tone - [stich] - [stichera]
- Podoben: Radujsja Zivonosnyj Kreste - [stich] - [stichera]
- Bolhar tone - [stichera]
- Tone 6
- Tropar - [here]
- Kondak - [here]
- Prokimen at Matins - [here]
- Resurrectional Canon - [irmosy]
- Prokimen at the Liturgy - [here]
- Samohlasen tone - [stich] - [stichera]
- Podoben: Anhelskija Predidite Sily - [stichera]
- Podoben: Vsju Otlozivse - [stichera]
- Podoben: Tridneven Voskresl Jesi - [stichera]
- Tone 7
- Tropar - [here]
- Kondak - (same as tropar)
- Prokimen at Matins - [here]
- Resurrectional Canon - [irmosy]
- Prokimen at the Liturgy - [here]
- Samohlasen tone - [stich] - [stichera]
- Tone 8
- Moveable Feasts
- Great Fast:
- By the waters of Babylon - [here]
- Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete - [irmos, ode 1]
- Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete - [irmos, ode 2]
- Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete - [irmos, ode 3]
- Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete - [irmos, ode 4]
- Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete - [irmos, ode 5]
- Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete - [irmos, ode 6]
- Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete - [irmos, ode 7]
- Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete - [irmos, ode 8]
- Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete - [irmos, ode 9]
- Canon of Flowery Sunday - [irmosy]
- Great and Holy Week:
- Bridegroom Matins – Tropar - [here]
- Bridegroom Matins – Svitilen - [here]
- Great Thursday - Your mystical supper (Veceri Tvojeja) – [here]
- Great Saturday – Stations - [here]
- Great Saturday – Canon - [irmosy]
- Great Saturday - Let all mortal flesh be silent (Da molcit vsjakaja) - [here]
- Pascha:
- Stichera – Your resurrection (Voskresenije Tvoje) - [here]
- Tropar – Christ is risen (Christos voskrese) - [here]
- Paschal Canon - [irmos, ode 1]
- Paschal Canon - [irmos, ode 3]
- Paschal Canon - [ipakoj]
- Paschal Canon - [irmos, ode 4]
- Paschal Canon - [irmos, ode 5]
- Paschal Canon - [irmos, ode 6]
- Paschal Canon - [kondak]
- Paschal Canon - [stichera]
- Paschal Canon - [irmos, ode 7]
- Paschal Canon - [irmos, ode 8]
- Paschal Canon - [irmos, ode 9]
- Svitilen - You O King and Lord (Plotiju) - [here]
- Stikhiry -
- Ascension - Canon - [irmosy] - [pripiv]
- Pentecost - Canon - [irmosy]
- Immoveable Feasts
- Theophany
- Canon - [irmosy]
- Presentation
- Canon - [irmosy]
- Annunciation
- Apostles Peter and Paul
- Canon - [irmosy]
- Prophet Elijah
- Canon - [irmosy]
- Transfiguration
- Canon - [irmosy]
- Dormition
- Exaltation of the Holy Cross
- Canon - [irmosy]
- Protection of the Mother of God
- Canon - [irmosy] (odes 1, 6, 8)
- Archangel Michael
- Canon - [irmosy] (odes 1, 3, 8)
- Nativity of the Lord
- Canon - [irmosy]
- Occasional Services
- Funeral Service:
- Troparia, Tone 4 - [here]
- Alleluia - [here]
- Troparia, Tone 8 - [here]
- Stations - [here]
- Hymns of St. John Damascene - [hymn 1] - [hymn 2] - [hymn 4] - [hymn 5] (examples of bolhar tones)
- Hymns of Farewell - [here]
- Eternal memory (Vicnaja pamjat) - [here]
- Parastas - [here]
- Wedding Service:
- Typika - responses at the Beatitudes (Blažénni) - [here]
- Great Compline - God is with us (S nami Boh) - [here]
- Akathist - responses only - [here]
- Moleben to the Mother of God - responses only - [here]