Spiritual songs >The Hymnal Project

This hymn was NOT included in the Byzantine Catholic Hymnal (2007).

O my God, you are so merciful

Boh predvicnyj

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This setting of Christe Carju spravedlivyj is from the publications of Father, who also did the English translation.


In the Užhorod Pisennik (1913), this hymn had 33 (!) verses, recounting the Passion of Christ. Liike Christ our King who reigns with justice, I think it deserves a literal translation of the Slavonic, and at least an attempt at an singable English translation of more of the hymn. Otherwise, we end up focusing primarily on Christ's rejection by the "crowd", which can lend a decidely anti-Semitic air to our singing.

It may be me, the "to ease our suffering" at the end of the first verse doesn't work well for me. Christ died to save us from sin and death, not just to make us comfortable.

Summary: I would be for including this IF we can expand it slightly to include more of the drama of the Paschal Mystery.

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