
September 7

Six sticheraPre-festive day of the Nativity of the Theotokos.

The holy martyr Sozon, at Pompeiopolis in Cilicia. He was a shepherd of Lycaonia who taught his family and friends the law of God. Sozon destroyed an idol, and was tortured and then burned for his Christian faith. (304)

At Vespers

music (samohlasen) - alternate text to that below

There are six stichera at "O Lord, I have cried": three for the the pre-feast, and three for the holy martyr.

Tone 1, special melody Nebesnych činov. In your nativity, O most pure One, * you have shone forth universal joy to the world. * You proclaimed Christ our God, the Sun of Glory, to all the world. * You have shown yourself to be a mediatrix of true happiness and grace.

The glory of this prefestive day, O most pure One, * proclaims to all people * your good deeds which are beyond words. * Now you obtain for them joy and a share in the delights of God; * for you, the cause of our joy, have come.

The Virgin in whom God came to dwell, * the pure Theotokos, the glory of prophets, and the daughter of David, * is born today of Joachim and Anne. * She is full of wisdom. * By her birth she crushes the curse of Adam which weighed upon us.

Tone 4, special melody Dal jesi znamenie. You were strengthened in your weakness * by the strength of him who bore our weakness, O blessed one. * You joyfully died a martyr's death * and crushed the enemy out of love for Christ. * For this reason, Christ the Lover of us all and Savior of our souls * has given you a crown of victory.

By your wounds you crushed the enemies, O glorious one. * Armed with the cross, you struck them to the ground. * You are now clothed with unbreakable armor, * Strengthened with love, you passed over to the spiritual kingdom. * We honor you as an unconquered martyr who now lives in heaven.

O Sozon, sufferer of the passion, * you willingly submitted to the passion for your Savior and Lord. * You handed yourself over to sufferings and unbearable tortures. * Therefore, the
Source of healings has honored you with the gifts of heaven, * and he has revealed you to be filled with love.

Glory – Tone 4.  The multitude of angels in heaven and the human race on earth * have blessed your all-honorable nativity, O most holy Virgin, * since you were the mother of Christ our God, who is the Creator of all. * O ever-praised and undefiled Theotokos, * we pray that you unceasingly entreat him for us * since, after God, we have placed our hope in you.

Now and ever – Theotokion, or Stavrotheotokion

The aposticha are for the pre-festive day:

Tone 8, special melody O preslavnaho čudese.  O wonder that surpasses all understanding! * From a mother without child and an unfruitful womb, * the Mother of God, the undefiled One, comes forth from the righteous Joachim and Anne * and blossomed just as the rod of old. * Therefore, the whole assembly of prophets and patriarchs * now rejoices in her birth.

Listen, O daughter, and see and incline your ear.

Today David rejoices and Jesse takes great delight, * Levi is exalted and Joachim rejoices in spirit. * The sterility of Anne is loosed by your birth. * O most pure Mary, you are full of grace;* and all people, together with the assembly of angels, bless your divine womb.

The rich among the people will seek your favor.

All peoples, sing with joy today: * Rejoice, 0 Temple of the Lord! * Rejoice, O Holy Mountain and Divine Altar! * Rejoice, O Lampstand of the Light, * O honorable Glory of true believers! * Rejoice, Mary, Mother of Christ our God, all-immaculate One! * Rejoice, O Throne of Fire and Holy Tabernacle! * Rejoice, O unburnable Bush and Hope of All!

Glory, now and ever– Tone 4.  On this day a great joy has shone upon us * from the two just ones, Joachim and Anne; * and this joy is the most honorable Virgin. * Because of her purity, she will become a living temple of God.* She alone will be recognized as the Mother of God. * Through her intercessions, O Christ our God, * send down peace upon the world * and your great mercy upon our souls.

Troparion of the martyr,  Tone 4. Your martyr Sozon, O Lord our God, * in his struggle, received an incorruptible crown from you. * With your strength, he brought down the tyrants * and broke the cowardly valor of demons. * Through his prayers, O Christ our God, save our souls.

Glory, now and ever – Troparion of the pre-feast, Tone 4. Today is born to us, from the root of Jesse and the loins of David, * Mary, the godly child. * Therefore, all creation rejoices and is renewed. * Heaven and earth rejoice together. * You families of nations sing her praise. * Joachim is elated and Anna cries out in celebration: * The barren woman gives birth to the Theotokos * and t he Sustainer of our Life.

At the Divine Liturgy

music - see the September Menaion

Troparion of the pre-feast, Tone 4. Today is born to us, from the root of Jesse and the loins of David, * Mary, the godly child. * Therefore, all creation rejoices and is renewed. * Heaven and earth rejoice together. * You families of nations sing her praise. * Joachim is elated and Anna cries out in celebration: * The barren woman gives birth to the Theotokos * and the Sustainer of our Life.

Troparion of the martyr,  Tone 4. Your martyr Sozon, O Lord our God, * in his struggle, received an incorruptible crown from you. * With your strength, he brought down the tyrants * and broke the cowardly valor of demons. * Through his prayers, O Christ our God, save our souls.

Glory – Kontakion of the martyr, Tone 2.   Let us gather together and loudly sing to Sozon, * the holy and genuine martyr, expert fighter for the faith, * mystical see of divine grace, generous provider of healing; * for he is our intercessor before God.

Now and ever – Kontakion of the pre-feast, Tone 3.   Today the Virgin Mary, the Theotokos, * is born from a barren womb according to the divine plan. * She is the inviolate bridal chamber of the heavenly bridegroom. * The chariot of the Word is made ready, * for this is why she was pre-ordained * to be the gateway of God and truly the Mother of Life.

Prokeimenon, Tone 7 (Ps. 63:11,2). The just man will rejoice in the Lord, * and will put his trust in him.
V. Hear my voice, O God, when I pray to you.

Epistle:  Ephesians 6:10-17

Alleluia, Tone 4 (Ps. 33:18,20). Alleuia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
V. The just cried out and the Lord heard them, and rescued them from all their distress.
V. Many are the trials of the just, but from them all the Lord will rescue them.

Gospel:  John 15:17 - 16:2

Communion Hymn (Ps. 111:6,7). The just man will be remembered forever; evil news he will not fear. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!