
August 19

Postfestive day of the Dormition.

The holy martyr Andrew the Tribune and his companions, in Cilicia, who, as it is related, having gained victory over the Persians by divine intervention, were converted to Christ and accused with this name (i.e., of Christian) and were slaughtered under Maximian the emperor in the narrows of the Taurus Mountains by the army of Seleucus the governor.

At Vespers

music (samohlasen)

There are six stichera at "O Lord, I have cried": three for the feast, and three for the holy martyr.

Tone 4, special melody Jako doblja. Your holy, most pure, and honorable passage to heaven * was not a separation from those who love you, O Virgin, * but rather an inseparable union. * You are revealed as the intercessor * for all who glorify you as the true Mother of God.

O pure Theotokos, Ark of the Temple, * you were transported from earth to the eternal rest. * Because of this you have been illumined by his radiance. * You gaze from above upon those who lovingly venerate you * and who praise the divine splendors of your miracles.

O Theotokos, your Son and Lord * received you into heaven as into a joyful bridal chamber. * With indescribable glory He brought you as the Ark of the Temple * to dwell with the heavenly hosts * and all his holy ones. * O pure One, He delivers from corruption and dangers * all those who lovingly extol your splendors.

Tone 1, special melody Vsechvalniji mučenicy. O most blessed martyr Andrew, * you appeared as a model of courage. * O tribune, you dared to hand yourself over to the sentence of martyrdom, * and like an army general you led the way. * Now you shower healings upon the faithful * because you received grace from heaven.

O Andrew, you were true to your name; * you appeared as a model of courage. * You battled with the enemy and fought courageously. * You destroyed him as the ancient Pharaoh and his army were destroyed. * You conquered him by shedding your blood. * Entreat Christ to grant our souls peace and great mercy.

O glorious gift of God, * you struggled and brought a vast army to God. * By death they discovered immortal glory with you, O illustrious one. * Entreat Christ to grant our souls peace and great mercy.

Glory, now and ever – Tone 4.  O virgin Theotokos, * at the time you were carried up to the One born of you * in a manner beyond understanding, * James and Peter were present; * James, the brother of the Lord and first bishop, * and Peter, the honorable head of the apostles and prince of theologians. * The whole college of apostles was also there, * all in one accord proclaiming things divine, * praising the astounding mystery of Christ, * and with joy, preparing your body, O most glorious One, * source of Life and the temple of God. * The most holy angelic powers * were rapt in wonder at the sight of this miracle, * and they said to each other: * Lift up your gates to receive the Mother of the Creator of heaven and earth. * Come, let us all sing hymns to her noble and holy body * that has contained the invisible Lord. * Therefore, we also celebrate your feast; * and, O woman worthy of all praise, we cry out: * O glorious Lady, exalt the Christian peoples * and intercede with Christ God that he may save our souls.

The aposticha are for the post-feast:

Tone 1, special melody Nebesnych činov.  Because of the immortal Dormition of the Mother of God, * the assembly of angels rejoices. * Departing from this earth, * she dwells in the eternal abode. * She is raised by the Heavenly One into celestial joy and delight.

Go up, Lord, to your rest, you and your holy ark.

Yearning for life on high, O Theotokos, * you have put aside earthly life. * O Maiden and flower of virginity, * you gave birth to Christ, the Life of all. * The assembly of apostles devoutly stands around * for your honored burial, O Betrothed of God.

The Lord swore a true oath to David; he will not go back on his word.

O Mother of God who loves the human race, * the air was sanctified by the farewell hymns at your Dormition. * O awesome marvel and undefiled Theotokos, * O Virgin, we your servants bow to you in faith.

Glory, now and ever – Tone 5.  Come, all you lovers of the feast, * let us form choirs and fill the Church with our hymns * in honor of the falling asleep of the Ark of God. * Today heaven Indeed opens its bosom * to receive the Mother of the One whom the universe cannot contain. * The earth gives back the Source of Life * and receives the blessing of the Lord. * The choir of angels and apostles look with awe * as they see the One who gave birth to the Prince of Life * now herself pass from life to life. * Let us all bow together before her and say: * O Lady, do not forget the children of your house * who celebrate your holy Dormition in faith.

Troparion of the saints,  Tone 5. You did forsake the glory of earthly prestige * and inherited the kingdom of heaven. * Drops of your blood gleam like rubies in the everlasting crowns which Christ gave you. * You led a whole company of martyrs to Christ * and found him in the company of angelic hosts. * There you join him in the never-fading light, O Andrew, true leader and soldier. * Along with all of your men, pray unceasingly for all of us.

Glory, now and ever – Troparion of the feast,  Tone 1.  O Theotokos, in giving birth you preserved virginity; * and in your falling asleep you did not forsake the world. * You are the Mother of Life and have been transferred to life, * and through your prayers * you deliver our souls from death.

At the Divine Liturgy

music - see the August Menaion

Troparion of the feast,  Tone 1.  O Theotokos, in giving birth you preserved virginity; * and in your falling asleep you did not forsake the world. * You are the Mother of Life and have been transferred to life, * and through your prayers * you deliver our souls from death.

Troparion of the saints,  Tone 5. You did forsake the glory of earthly prestige * and inherited the kingdom of heaven. * Drops of your blood gleam like rubies in the everlasting crowns which Christ gave you. * You led a whole company of martyrs to Christ * and found him in the company of angelic hosts. * There you join him in the never-fading light, O Andrew, true leader and soldier. * Along with all of your men, pray unceasingly for all of us.

Glory – Kontakion of the saints, Tone 2.  Standing at prayer before the Lord like a star which heralds the sun, * you see the treasure of the kingdom of heaven before you. * Filled with joy which no one can describe, * with the chorus of chanting angels, O Andrew, * you sing a never-ending hymn to the Immortal King. * Therefore, beg Christ to save our souls.

Now and ever – Kontakion of the feast, Tone 2.   The grave and death did not detain the Theotokos. * She intercedes without rest and is our unfailing hope of protection; * for he who dwelt in the womb of the Ever-Virgin, * transferred to life the Mother of Life.

Prokeimenon of the feast, Tone 3 (Luke 1:46-48). My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.
V. For he has looked with favor upon the humility of his servant; from this day forward, all generations will call me blessed.

Prokeimenon of the saints, Tone 4 (Ps. 15:3,8). To all the saints in his land, * the Lord has shown all the wonders of his will.
V. I set the Lord ever before me; with him at my right hand I shall not be disturbed.

Epistle:  (of the day)

Alleluia of the feast, Tone 8 (Ps. 44:11,13). Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
V. Go up, Lord, to your rest, you and your holy ark.
V. The Lord swore a true oath to David; he will not go back on his word.

Alleluia of the saints,Tone 4 (Ps. 33:18,20). Alleuia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
V. The just cried out and the Lord heard them, and rescued them from all their distress.
V. Many are the trials of the just, but from them all the Lord will rescue them.

Gospel: (of the day)

Magnification. The angels were struck with amazement, * beholding the dormition of the Most Pure, * seeing how the Virgin was taken up from earth to heaven.

Irmos, Tone 1. The limits of nature * are overcome in you, O pure Virgin, * for birth-giving remains virginal, * and death is the prelude to life: * a virgin after childbearing and alive after death! * You ever save your inheritance, O Theotokos.

Communion Hymn of the feast (Ps. 115:4). I shall take the chalice of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Communion Hymn of the saints (Ps. 32:1). Rejoice in the Lord, you righteous ones; praise from the upright is fitting. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!