
January 30

VigilTHE THREE HOLY HIERARCHS: BASIL THE GREAT, GREGORY THE THEOLOGIAN, AND JOHN CHRYSOSTOM. All three of these saints have their own feast days. This celebration began in 1100 in the days of the Emperor Alexis Comnenus. A great quarrel arose in Constantinople as to which of these three was the greatest theologian. They appeared in a dream to then Patriarch John and told him that they were equal before God, and each had his special gifts and talents. John chose Jan. 30 to commemorate all three of them together, and composed the office.

The holy bishop martyr Hippolytus was a priest of the Church of Rome famous for his learning. After he unjustly accused Archdeacon Callistus, he was exiled from Rome and rebelled against the authority of the Pope. He repented and was reconciled to the church, and was martyred. (235)

At Vespers

music (samohlasen)

We sing “Blessed is the man.” There are eight stichera at "O Lord, I have cried."

Tone 4, special melody Jako dobl'a. Let us glorify the three great preachers of the Trinity, * the instruments of grace and harps of the Spirit, * renowned trumpets of divine preaching * who thundered awesome wonders which were revealed from on high. * John,
Basil, and Gregory made known the glory of God * to the ends of the earth.

Let us worthily venerate * the defenders of the Trinity. * They are the three apostles added to the Twelve. * They are rivers which overflowed living waters out of Eden. * They nourished the face of the earth * with life-giving divine waters. * They are the basic elements of nature, * fashioning not creation but the true faith.

The prophet spoke of them, saying: * No one who lives or speaks has not heard their voices, * for the famous and excellent works * of these sublime and wise teachers * have spread through all the earth and sea. * By their divine laws the ends of the earth are joined together * and preserved in the one true faith.

Let us, who follow their teachings, * loudly sing and praise these instruments of the Holy Spirit. * They are the true trumpets and orators of the Word. * Let us pray to them since they find favor with the Lord, * that He may grant a strong and lasting universal peace * and forgiveness to all of us.

Tone 2, special melody Kijmi pochval'nimy. With what praiseworthy crowns shall we crown the teachers, * distinct in body but joined together in the Spirit? * They are the God-bearing defenders of the Trinity, * the triad of ministers, * the luminaries who enlighten the world, and pillars of the Church. * Because they conquered all, * Christ our God mercifuly gave them crowns of glory.

With what songs of joy shall we crown the God-bearing mystics and preachers? * They were the most outstanding theologians of the true faith: * Basil the Great who revealed truths about God; * the sublime theologian Gregory, and John the Golden-mouthed. * They are fittingly glorified by the Trinity, * the Lord who grants his great mercy.

With what praiseworthy words shall we honor the holy bishops? * They were comparable to the apostles in rank and gifts through grace. * They defeated heresy and were sanctifiers by word and deed. * They were Christ-like shepherds in the faith. * They were earthly angels and heavenly men. * They were honored by the Lord of glory, * by Christ who grants his great mercy.

With what praiseworthy crowns * shall we crown John the Golden-mouthed, Basil, and Gregory? * They are precious vessels of the Spirit * and firm defenders of the faith, * pillars of the Church, the foundation of the faithful, * and comfort of sinners. * We honor them as wellsprings which overflow, * refreshing our souls with water. * They ask forgiveness for our sins and great mercy for us.

Glory –  Tone 6.  Let us extol today those mystical trumpets of the Spirit, * the God-mantled Fathers, * who, speaking of divine things, * sang a unifying hymn in the midst of the Church: * teaching that the Trinity is One, * not differing in substance or Godhead; * refuting Arius and contending for the true faith; * and who always intercede with the Lord * to have mercy on our souls.

Now and ever – the dogmatikon of Saturday evening, in the same tone, or (on Friday night or Saturday night) in the Tone of the week

Entrance with censer, and prokeimenon of the day.  Then three readings:

A reading from Deuteronomy, the Book of the Second Law (Deuteronomy 1:8-11, 15-17).

A reading from Deuteronomy, the Book of the Second Law (Deuteronomy 10:14-21).

A reading from the Wisdom of Solomon (Wisdom 3:1-9).

Stichera at the litija:

Tone 2 Bolhar. Come, let us praise the earthly trinity of holy bishops * who are ministers of the heavenly Trinity: * Basil, whose name means the kingdom; * Gregory, called the Theologian; and John, the Golden-mouthed. * They are the abyss of those who searched into the wisdom of the Spirit. * They are likened to ocean currents * and ever-flowing wellsprings of leaping and living water. * They are known as elegant pearls and earthly beacons, * the rudders of the Church and trees that produce the most splendid fruit, * the stewards of grace and mouth of Christ. * They are defenders of the Trinity * by whom they were directly enlightened. * They pray unceasingly for our souls.

Let us faithfully praise the flaming coals of the divine Fire, * for we have been illumined by them. * They became inflamed by being united to Him, * and they became luminaries for the world. * They showed themselves to be living strength for the lowly. * In faith they devoutly preached the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. * Let us also cry out to them: * Rejoice, O three preachers of the Trinity.

Tone 6. O Holy Trinity, worthy of adoration, * glory to your wise plan of salvation, * for You have given three great luminaries to us. * They enlighten us by the light of their knowledge of You, * they inspire us by their teachings, * and they shine with the radiance * of your precious desires for our salvation. * Through them the whole world has been enriched with the light of understanding; * it radiates with your glory and hastens to your blessed kingdom. * Since You are an all-generous God, O Holy Trinity, * be attentive to their prayers in our behalf * and save our souls, O Lord and Lover of us all.

Glory – Tone 6.  Having come together with songs of praise, O lovers of feasts, * let us praise the bishops of Christ * and the glory of the Fathers, * the pillars of the faith, * the teachers and defenders of the faithful. * Let us cry out to them: * Rejoice, O luminary of the Church and immutable pillar, O wise Basil. * Rejoice, O heavenly mind and great hierarch, Gregory the Theologian. * Rejoice, O golden-voiced John, splendid preacher of penance. * O thrice-blessed Fathers, never cease to pray to Christ * in behalf of those who with faith and love * observe your sacred and sublime feast.

Now and ever – in the same tone. Having come together with songs of praise, O lovers of feasts, * let us extol the boast of virgins and the joy of angels, * the only Theotokos and the strength of believers. * Let us all cry out to her: * Rejoice, O pure virgin Mother, * splendrous luminary and gate of heaven. * Rejoice, O sacred tabernacle and all-pure One * who contained God within your womb. * Rejoice, for without exception you are higher than all the heavenly powers. * Therefore, O Lady and Virgin Mother, * do not cease to protect your servants * who in faith and love extol you at all times, * and who bow down to your holy and pure birthgiving.

The aposticha are for the feast:

Tone 1, special melody Vsechval'niji mučenicy. Today, let us worthily praise * the triad of spiritual mystics, * the speaking trumpets and mirrors of God: * the great Basil and the sublime Gregory inspired with zeal * and the truly golden-mouthed John. * Their teachings pour out a stream of gold for us.

V. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his faithful.

Let us worthily sing the praises * of the foundation of the faith, * the sublime and courageous mind, * the stream that flows with gold, * the very splendid and precious luminaries * and defenders of the Trinity, * the receptacles of the grace of the Spirit * and unshakable pillars.

V. Your priests will be clothed with righteousness and your saints will rejoice.

O instruments of the Spirit * and trumpets of the divine thunder, * O brilliant lights of preaching, * O golden, light-bearing, resplendent lamps of God, * O most blessed Basil, most wise Gregory, and most precious John, * implore Christ our God to save those who honor you.

Glory – Tone 2.  Today the souls of mortals are elevated above earthly things. * Today they become heavenly beings as they commemorate the saints. * The gates of heaven are opened for us, * and the ways of the Lord are made known to us. * Tongues extol his miracles * and proclaim the words of the Word. * Let us also cry out to the Savior: * Glory to You, O Christ God, * because through them there has been peace for the faithful.

Now and ever – in the same tone. Today, Christ is being carried into the temple as an infant. * Today, He who gave the Law to Moses comes under the Law. * The angelic hosts were amazed when they saw Him, who supports all things, * being held in the arms of an aged man. * Simeon, filled with reverence, joyfully cried out: * Now dismiss me, O Savior, from the temporal life * and let me enter the repose which never grows old, * for I have seen You and I now rejoice.

Troparion, Tone 4.  Teachers of the world, of one mind with the apostles, * intercede with the Lord of all * to grant peace to the world, and abundant mercy to our souls. (twice)

Glory, now and ever – Theotokion, Tone 4. Rejoice, O Virgin Theotokos! * Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you! * Blessed are you among women, * and blessed is the fruit of your womb. * For you gave birth to Christ, the Savior and Redeemer of our souls.

At the Divine Liturgy


Troparion, Tone 4.  Teachers of the world, of one mind with the apostles, * intercede with the Lord of all * to grant peace to the world, and abundant mercy to our souls.

Glory, now and ever – Kontakion, Tone 2.   Lord, you have received your holy and inspired preachers, * the foremost of teachers, into the enjoyment of your good gifts and repose. * You preferred their labors and death above any sacrifice. * For you alone glorify your saints.

Prokeimenon, Tone 8 (Ps. 18:5,2). Through all the earth their voice resounds; * their message reaches to the end of the world.
V. The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament proclaims his handiwork.

Epistle:  Hebrews 13:7-16

Alleluia, Tone 1 (Ps. 88:6,8). Alleuia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
V. The heavens declare your wonders, O Lord, and your truth in the assembly of the holy.
V. God is glorified in the council of the holy, great and awesome above all who surround him.

Gospel: Matthew 5:14-19

Communion Hymn (Ps. 32:1). Rejoice in the Lord, you righteous ones; praise from the upright is fitting. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! +