The Tone 8 Kontakion Melody


See the introduction for an explanation of how to sing this melody, and the detailed analysis for its history and variants.

Kontakion of the Resurrection, Tone 8:

Kontakion of Pascha:

Kontakion of Thomas Sunday (second Paschal Sunday):

Kontakion of the Samaritan Woman (fifth Paschal Sunday):

Kontakion of the Council Fathers:

Kontakion of Pentecost:

Kontakion of All Saints (Sunday after Pentecost):

Kontakion of the Sunday of Orthodoxy (first Sunday of the Great Fast):

Kontakion of Akathistos Saturday (Saturday in the fifth week of the Great Fast; also sung on the Annunciation):

Pre-festive kontakion of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (September 13):

Common kontakion of two or more hierarchs:

Kontakion for the departed: