These classes cover the singing of the Divine Liturgy and Vespers, and are taught twice a year. Register for Spring 2022.
8-week online class covers the singing of the Divine Liturgy for the fixed feasts of the liturgical year, as well as pre- and post-festive days.
- Teacher: Jeff Mierzejewski
8-week online class is the second of two courses on the Divine Liturgy in the MCI cantor
education program, designed for experienced cantors.
- Teacher: Jeff Mierzejewski
An 8-week course that covers the order of Vespers for Sundays, feastdays, and weekdays; the hymns of Vespers; and the service of Litija.
- Teacher: Jeff Mierzejewski
An 8-week course that completes the study of the Eight Tones, covering the eight samohlasen tones, and selected special melodies (podobny).
- Teacher: Jeff Mierzejewski