
September 18

Post-festive day of the Exaltation of the Cross.

Our venerable father Eumenius the Wonder-worker, bishop of Gortyna in Crete. He gave himself with his whole heart to Christ from his youth. He gave all he owned to the poor, and kept a very ascetic life of fasting and vigils. Seeing his virtue, the people of Gortyna chose him to be their bishop. He was father to the poor, consolation to the sad, healing to the sick, and a shepherd to his flock. He traveled to visit the desert fathers in the Thebaid, where he died. (7th century)

At Vespers

music (samohlasen)

There are six stichera at "O Lord, I have cried": three for the the feast, and three for the martyrs.

Tone 4, special melody Jako dobl'a.  Master, You were raised upon the Cross. * With You was raised the fallen nature of Adam. * For this reason, as we lift up your precious Cross, O Lover of us all, * we beg for your might from on high and callout: * 0 Most High, since You are the merciful God, * save all those who venerate the exaltation * of your precious, light-bearing, and heavenly Cross.

O Master, the psalmist saw, as though already present, * the footstool on which You rested your most pure feet. * Today we lovingly venerate your most precious Cross as we devoutly
raise it. * Entreating You, we cry out: * O Most High, You have sanctified us by your divine Cross. * Make us partakers of your compassion and grace beyond words.

O Christ, we bow to your most holy Cross * as to the invincible armor, * an unconquerable shield, and a divine scepter. * Through it the world is saved and Adam rejoices. * We on earth praise and venerate it with hymns. * We bless its raising, and we ask for cleansing.

Tone 4, special melody Jako dobl'a. Having purified your soul and body from its passions, * you became a temple of the Holy Spirit. * You adorned yourself with priestly oil. * O Eumenius, you were an outstanding intercessor * who spoke with the holy angels * and an heir to the glory of the Lord. * You supplicate for those who venerate you.

Your glorious life was illumined by virtues, * and it glowed through the splendor of miracles. * O blessed one, you were glorified to the ends of the earth. * O miracle-worker worthy of
honor, * you were made free from error, a brilliant master, * a dweller with the saints, * a hierarch, and a citizen of the Holy City along with the angels.

We have gathered together to venerate the apostle of Crete, * the unshakable foundation of the Church, Bishop Eumenius. * He is magnified in miracles and glorified in many powers. * As a light of the faithful, * he illumined those whose hearts were darkened.

Glory, now and ever – Tone 2.  Hidden in the earth as a divine treasure, * the Cross of the Giver of Life now appeared in the heavens to the godly king, * and its inscription spiritually
signified his victory over the enemy. * Rejoicing with faith and love, * he was inspired by God and hastened to raise on high * the Cross that he had seen in his vision. * With great zeal he brought it forth from the bosom of the earth * for the deliverance of the world and the salvation of our souls.

The aposticha are for post-feast:

Tone 2, special melody Dome Jefratov. Today the Cross of Christ, * the life-bearing Tree, is being raised up. * He, who was nailed to it in the flesh, * summons everyone to himself.

Exalt the Lord, our God, and worship at his footstool; for he is holy.

Rejoice, O divine protection of the faithful, * 0 impregnable wall, O Cross of the Lord. * You were raised from the ground for all of us.

God is our king from all ages. He has accomplished salvation in the middle of the earth.

Come, let us joyfully kiss the life-bearing Tree; * for Christ, our Deliverance, * was stretched out on it for us.

Glory, now and ever – Tone 2.  Moses prefigured the power of your precious Cross, O Christ, * when he conquered Amalek, his enemy, in the wilderness of Sinai. * When he stretched out his arms in the form of a cross, * the people were strengthened. * Now these images are fulfilled in us. * Today the Cross is exalted, and the devils are put to flight. * Today all creation is freed from corruption. * Through the Cross every gift of grace has shone upon us. * Therefore, rejoicing, we bow down before You and say: * How marvelous are your works, O Lord; glory to You!

The troparia:

Troparion of Eumenius, Tone 7. You enriched your life with fasting, O Father Eumenius. * You loved the poor and gave them all you had. * You were brighter than the sun in virtue, * cheering the sad and comforting the mourning. * By virtue of these riches and by your prayers, * now beg Christ to forgive our sins.

Glory, now and ever – Troparion of the Cross, Tone 1.  Save your people, O Lord, and bless your inheritance. * Grant victory to your Church over evil, * and protect your people by your cross.

At the Divine Liturgy

music - see the September Menaion

First Antiphon (Ps. 21:2-4):
My God, my God, hear me; why have you forsaken me? Far from my salvation are the words of my transgression.
Refrain: Through the prayers of the Theotokos, save us.

O my God, I call by day and you give no reply; I call by night and I find no peace.
Refrain: Through the prayers of the Theotokos, save us.

O God, you are enthroned in the Holy Place, the Glory of Israel.
Refrain: Through the prayers of the Theotokos, save us.

Glory... now and ever...
Refrain: Through the prayers of the Theotokos, save us.

Second Antiphon (Ps. 73:1-2):
Why, O God, have you cast us off forever? Why does your anger smolder against the sheep of your pasture?
Refrain: O Son of God, crucified in the flesh, save us who sing to you: Alleluia!

Remember your flock which you acquired long ago, whom you redeemed as your inheritance.
Refrain: O Son of God, crucified in the flesh, save us who sing to you: Alleluia!

Remember Mount Zion where you made your dwelling.
Refrain: O Son of God, crucified in the flesh, save us who sing to you: Alleluia!

Glory... now and ever...
O Only-begotten Son and Word of God...

Third Antiphon (Ps. 94:1):
Come, let us sing joyfully to the Lord; let us acclaim God our Savior.
Refrain: O Son of God, crucified in the flesh, save us who sing to you: Alleluia!

Entrance Hymn (Ps. 94:6):
Come, let us worship and bow before Christ.
Refrain: O Son of God, crucified in the flesh, save us who sing to you: Alleluia!

Troparion of the Cross, Tone 1.  Save your people, O Lord, and bless your inheritance. * Grant victory to your Church over evil, * and protect your people by your cross.

Troparion of Eumenius, Tone 7. You enriched your life with fasting, O Father Eumenius. * You loved the poor and gave them all you had. * You were brighter than the sun in virtue, * cheering the sad and comforting the mourning. * By virtue of these riches and by your prayers, * now beg Christ to forgive our sins.

Glory – Kontakion of Eumenius, Tone 2.   Illumined by the Divine Light, O blessed Eumenius, * enlighten us who sing of your glorious and holy death. * O father and bishop Eumenius, prau unceasingly for all of us.

Now and ever – Kontakion of the Cross, Tone 4.   Christ our God, who were willingly raised upon the cross, * grant your mercies to the new people who bear your name. * By your power grant joy to the Church. * Give her victory over evil * with your invincible trophy, the weapon of peace, * as an ally.

Prokeimenon of the Cross, Tone 7 (Ps. 98:5,1). Exalt the Lord our God and worship at his foot-stool, for he is holy.
V.The Lord is King; let the peoples rage.

Epistle:  (of the day)

Alleluia of the Cross, Tone 1 (Ps. 73:2,12). Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
V. Remember your flock which you acquired long ago.
V. God is our king from all ages. He has accomplished salvation in the middle of the earth.

Gospel: (of the day)

Magnification. Extol, O my soul, the most precious cross of the Lord.

Irmos, Tone 8. You are a mystical paradise, O Theotokos; * Christ has blossomed forth from you without tilling. * He planted the life-bearing tree of the cross on the earth. * As we now exalt the cross * and bow before it, we proclaim your greatness.

Communion Hymn of the Cross (Ps. 4:7). We have been signed, O Lord, with the light of your face. Alleuia! Alleluia! Alleluia!