
July 4

Our holy father Andrew of Jerusalem, archbishop of Crete, whose passing over is remembered this day at Erissus on the island of Lesbos. He was bishop of Gortyna, and sang--with singular art--praises to God by his prayers, hymns, and songs. He exalted the Virgin Mother of God, immaculate and assumed into heaven. (740)

Our venerable mother Martha, mother of St. Simeon the Venerable, on the Admirable Mountain in Syria. She was notable for following the ancient practice of rising at midnight for prayer, and gave help to the needy with great compassion by visiting the sick and the poor. (551)

Our venerable father Procopius of Sazava. Born into a Christian family in Bohemia, he prepared for the priesthood in the Byzantine Church and was ordained in 1003. He entered a monastery in Hungary and became a solitary. After 1029, he returned to Bohemia to establish the monastic way of life among his own people, and settled in the Sazava Valley. (1053)

At Vespers

music (samohlasen)

At "O Lord, I have cried", there three stichera for the holy father, and three for the venerable mother.

Tone 1, special melody Nebesnych činov. Hating the earthly domination of the body, * with pure temperament and a simple heart * you held unto the Lord, O wise father, * and were shown to be a divinely inspired instrument of the Comforter, * playing the psalmody of salvation for us.

Finding the Mother of the Lord * to be the subject of great praise, O Andrew, * you also hymn with melodious discourses * the sacred apostles and the company of the blessed martyrs. *With them, be mindful of us who honor you.

We know you to be a pillar of orthodoxy, a model of chastity, * an example of meekness, * and a godly hymnographer * illumining the Church of Christ, * O father Andrew, initiate of sacred mysteries. * Therefore, we celebrate your festival.

Tone 4, special melody Jako doblja.  Through fasting and tears you set yourself apart * for painful ascetic endeavor and courageous battle * against the hordes of the enemy who had crippled human nature, * sparing not your flesh for the sake of God's love. * Therefore, you undertake godly struggles, * casting down the mind of the adversary, * O honored and all-glorious Martha.  (twice)

You spurned transitory things, * avoided the love of what is corruptible, * and desired the heavenly portion which is everlasting, * right for the just and incorrupt, and never-ending life, O pure one. * Therefore, celebrating your radiant and splendid memory with faith, * O glorious Martha, we honor you with divine hymns.

Glory – Tone 4 samohlasen. Relieving ailments with the grace of the Spirit, * you drive away evil spirits, heal sufferings and enlighten the faithful * with the radiance of your miracles, O most glorious Martha. * Therefore, we praise your splendid, radiant * and all-wondrous memory today with unceasing praise.

Now and ever – Theotokion, or Stavrotheotokion

The aposticha are from the Octoechos, concluding with:

Glory – Tone 8.  We honor you as the Teacher of a multitude of monks, * O our Father Andrew, * for by your example we have truly known how to walk in righteousness. * Blessed are you, for you have labored for Christ. * You rebuked the enemy power, * O Companion of angels, * and associate of the venerable and righteous fathers. * With them pray to the Lord that our souls may be forgiven.

Troparion of Andrew,  Tone 1.  You elated Christ’s Church with your beautiful hymns * showing in theology the glory of the Holy Trinity. * Therefore, O Andrew, we sing of you as a man of insight * and glorify your memory, O shepherd of Crete. * We praise you as Christ’s friend among the saints.

Glory – Troparion of Martha, Tone 4. By your love for the Theotokos and a holy life * you were graced to give birth to a child of light for the world. * This child was radiant with the light of the Trinity. * Therefore, we ask you to prey unceasingly for all of us.

At the Divine Liturgy

music - see the July Menaion

Troparion of Andrew,  Tone 1.  You elated Christ’s Church with your beautiful hymns * showing in theology the glory of the Holy Trinity. * Therefore, O Andrew, we sing of you as a man of insight * and glorify your memory, O shepherd of Crete. * We praise you as Christ’s friend among the saints.

Troparion of Martha, Tone 4. By your love for the Theotokos and a holy life * you were graced to give birth to a child of light for the world. * This child was radiant with the light of the Trinity. * Therefore, we ask you to prey unceasingly for all of us.

Glory – Kontakion of Andrew, Tone 2.  Having sounded sublime praise with the trumpet of your spirit, * you were shown to the world as a beacon of the Trinity, * We call to you, O venerable Andrew: * Pray without ceasing for all of us.

Now and ever – Kontakion of Martha, Tone 2.  You gave birth to a holy child, O Martha, * after you offered fervent prayers to the Lord * and after you had interceded with the virgin Theotokos. * This child was Simeon who became a light for the world. * Pray with him for the salvation of our souls.

Prokeimenon, Tone 7 (Ps. 149:5,1). Let the faithful rejoice in glory, * shout for joy, and take their rest.
V. Sing to the Lord a new song of praise in the assembly of the faithful.

Epistle:  Hebrews 7:26 - 8:2

Alleluia, Tone 2 (Ps. 131:9,13). Alleuia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
V. Your priests will be clothed with righteousness and your saints will rejoice.
V. The Lord has chosen Zion; he prefers her for his dwelling.

Gospel:  Matthew 7:12-21

Communion Hymn (Ps. 111:6,7). The just man will be remembered forever; evil news he will not fear. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Along on this day: Independence Day (in the United States)

Troparion, Tone 6. O Father of all nations and Lord of the universe, * may we always show ourselves to be a holy people, * trusting in you, our God, and fulfilling your will. * Since you have bestowed on us this heritage of your bounties, * may we ever worship you, * and make our nation a place of freedom, equality, and justice for all.

Glory – Kontakion, Tone 6. O Lord, two hundred years ago, * our country claimed its place among the family of nations. * You have richly favored us with your blessings * and prospered us with the fulness of the land. * We now offer our gratitude to you and we rededicate ourselves to serving you, * so that the works of justice and freedom might be shared by all peoples.

Now and ever – Theotokion, Tone 8. Our founding fathers established this nation * with an abidng trust in God our heavenly Father, * giving liberty to all its inhabitants. * We have become the stewards of this precious heritage. * Deem us worthy, O Theotokos, Ever-Virgin, * to protect and transmit this treasured inheritance. * Lead us to your Son, Christ our God, * so that he would bestow on us his eternal freedom, * granting us his great mercy * and leading us into the land of righteousness.

Prokeimenon, Tone 5 (Lev. 25:10; Ps. 88:15). Proclaim liberty through all the land * unto all * the inhabitants thereof.
V. Justice and judgment are the foundation of your throne; kindness and truth go before you.

Epistle:  Hebrews 12:7-11, 14-17, 25-28

Alleluia, Tone 7 (Ps. 118:45,142). Alleuia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
V. I will walk at liberty, because I seek your commandments.
V. Your justice is everlasting justice, and Your law is permanent.

Gospel: John 8:31-42

Communion Hymn (Ps. 104:44a,45). He gave them the land of the nations, that they might keep his statutes and observe his laws. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

This office was composed for the Bicentennial of the United States of America, in 1976.