God is with us

This liturgical hymn is sung at Great Compline, where the liturgical books title it "The song of the holy prophet Isaiah."

The Slavonic text below is taken from the Ruthenian Chasoslov, pp. 326-327, transliterated into Latin characters. The English translation is that used traditionally within the Byantine Catholic Church.

S námi Boh,
razumíijte jazýci,
i pokarjájtesja:
jáko s námi Boh.
God is with us!
Understand, all you nations,
and submit yourselves
for God is with us!
Uslýšite do posl'ídnich zemlí:
jáko s námi Boh.
Give ear all you distant lands,
for God is with us.
Mohúščii pokarjájtesja:
jáko s námi Boh.
You mighty ones, submit yourselves,
for God is with us.
Ášče bo páki vozmóžete,
i páki pohiždéni búdete:
jáko s námi Boh.
If you strengthen yourselves again,
again you will be defeated,
for God is with us.
I íže ášče sovít soviščavájete,
razorít i Hóspod':
jáko s námi Boh.
Form a plan,
but the Lord will thwart it,
for God is with us.
I slóvo, jéže ášče vozhlahólete,
ne ímat' prebyváti v vás:
jáko s námi Boh.
Whatever word you speak
will not stand even among yourselves,
for God is with us.
Strácha že vašeho ne ímamy ubojátisja,
nižé soblaznítisja:
jáko s námi Boh.
We will not fear what you fear
nor shall we be dismayed,
for God is with us.
Hóspoda že Bóha nášeho svjatíte,
i Toj búdet vam v bojázň:
jáko s námi Boh.
Hallow the Lord our God
and He will be your fear,
for God is with us.
I íže ášče naň nad'íješisja,
i Toj búdet ti v osvjaščénije:
jáko s námi Boh.
If you trust in Him,
He will be your refuge,
for God is with us.
I upovájušče búdem naň,
i spasémsja Jehó rádi:
jáko s námi Boh.
We will hope in Him
and by Him will we be saved,
for God is with us.
Se az
i díti, jáže mi dal jest' Boh:
jáko s námi Boh.
Here am I
with the children God has given me,
for God is with us.
L'údije sid'áščii v tmi,
víd'iša svít vélij:
jáko s námi Boh.
The people who walked in darkness
have seen a great light,
for God is with us.
Živúščii v straňí i síni smértňij,
svit vozsijájet na vy:
jáko s námi Boh.
Upon you who dwelt in the shadow of death
a light has shone,
for God is with us.
Jáko otročá rodísja nam,
Syn, i dadésja nam:
jáko s námi Boh.
For a child is born to us;
a son is given to us,
for God is with us
Jemúže vlast' byst' na rámi Jehó:
jáko s námi Boh.
Upon His shoulder dominion rests,
for God is with us.
I míru Jehó ňist' pred'íla:
jáko s námi Boh.
Of His peace there is no end,
for God is with us.
I naricájetsja ímja Jehó velíka sovíta Ánhel:
jáko s námi Boh.
They call Him Angel of Great Counsel,
for God is with us.
Čúden sovítnik:
jáko S námi Boh.
Wonderful Counselor,
for God is with us.
Boh krípok, vlastítel',
načálnik míra:
jáko S námi Boh.
Mighty God, Master,
Prince of Peace,
for God is with us.
Otéc búduščaho víka:
jáko S námi Boh.
Father of the age to come,
for God is with us.
jáko s námi Boh.
for God is with us.
I nýňi:
jáko s námi Boh.
Now and ever...,
for God is with us.


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